Encountering A Holy God
Isaiah 6:1-8

Join us in the Family Life Center for coffee and other hot beverages prior to Adult Bible Fellowship, which is held in the Worship Center.

9:30-10:30 SUNDAY SCHOOL
CHILDREN'S MINISTRY - Age 3 through 8th Grade – Classes are in the FLC from 9:30-10:30 using Answers Bible Curriculum.
STUDENT MINISTRY: High School/College Age Classes  - Meet upstairs in the FLC from 9:30-10:30, with a study of Ecclesiastes in the Young Men's class and a study of Jude in the Young Women's class.

  • Adult Bible Fellowship (Livestreamed) (Worship Center) and Student Ministries (FLC)
    • 9:30-10:30 Class Time
    • 10:30 Parents pick up children from Sunday School
      Infant Nursery Available (FLC) during Sunday School and Worship Service


  • All Ages 
  • Nursery (Ages 0-3 in the FLC) available during Sunday School and Worship Service
  • Fellowship Meal (Immediately following the conclusion of Worship some Sundays in the FLC) $2 per person donation recommended (5 and under free). First-time visitors are welcome to join us for free! 

What an amazing privilege we have to gather together as a church, which means, “the called out ones.” By the grace of God we have been transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light. The Holy Spirit has transformed us by breathing spiritual life into what was once a spiritual corpse. He has drawn us into fellowship with the living God and with one another. Though we are still in the world, we are no longer of the world and our lives are now united to Christ who is the Head of the church, the body of Christ, in which we all find our very life and eternal joy.
As we come together to worship our glorious God on this Lord’s day, please remember that He is supreme in all we do. We must remain committed to God-exalting theology, to a God-centered worldview, to God-honoring worship, to God-driven convictions that result in a God-glorifying life.
May everything we do together in this place exalt the majesty and excellency of Christ, our Savior and God, for we are “a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that (we) may proclaim the praises of Him who called (us) out of darkness into His marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9).

David Harrell Pastor-Teacher

Our Passion For The Pulpit
". . . we exist to equip the saints through expository preaching, teaching . . ."

Saints cannot be equipped for godly living and service apart from precise theology (Ephesians 4:11-16). This is the goal of expository preaching and teaching. The term "exposit" literally means to expound or explain in a detailed manner. Expository preaching is therefore a doctrinal proclamation of the Word of God derived from an exegetical process that is concerned only with the revelation of God, not the wisdom of man, and therefore carefully conveys the God-intended meaning of a text, passionately applying that meaning to the contemporary issues of life with an internal zeal and authority that cannot be extinguished.

Although this kind of preaching and teaching is rare in contemporary evangelicalism, since this was the method exemplified in the Bible (Neh. 8:8; Acts 7:2-53; 8:27-35; 20:26-27; Luke 4:16-22; 24:27, 32, 44-47), and since we have a divine mandate to "preach the Word" (2 Timothy 4:2), we believe that this is the God ordained method and we remain committed to it.

Current Study: Mark
I invite you to join me in a verse-by-verse expositional journey through the gospel of Mark, where Jesus Christ is presented as not only the suffering Servant of the Lord, but also the rightful monarch to be worshipped—not Caesar, or any other false god. Mark demonstrates that Jesus is indeed the Son of God proven by His authoritative words and miraculous deeds, all of which point us to the need to obey His command to repent and believe in Him. I pray this series will be both edifying and encouraging, and also deepen your love for the One who deserves our utmost.
~ Pastor Harrell


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