Dear Friends,


Greetings from Uganda! Summer is well underway. You can feel the energy and excitement all throughout the SOS campus as summer teams and Shepherds Training College professors visit our community during these few months. Everyone visiting is in awe of what God is doing here in Kubamitwe. Visitors are overwhelmed with the expressions of God’s love all throughout the ministry and how hungry the people are for God’s Word.


One of the most captivating features that never fails to leave a lasting impression on our visitors is the remarkable church building currently being constructed right in the heart of our campus. It is not only an expression of SOS’s overarching passion; it is also a physical demonstration of the great work that God is doing within our ministry - He is building His Church. We know we are not in heaven yet, but we can’t help but feel like we are getting a small taste of eternity. We invite you all to come and see what God is doing firsthand. 


Much love,

The SOS Team


One of the many sweet gifts given to the SOS family this year is the gift of a new missionary family - The Slone Family. This dynamic and passionate couple are an incredible addition to our ministry. Here is a little article introducing you to newest addition to the SOS family: 



"I learned this week in the book of Daniel that He is faithful and we should trust God in whatever circumstances we are passing through." - Grace


It’s Monday afternoon and young people from all over Uganda are arriving on the campus of SOS for the first National Youth Conference in years. Registration is hard at work checking in attendees. The worship team is rehearsing, making their final preparations for a week of singing and praise. The dorm captains are busy seeing students to their rooms and making them feel loved, known, and seen. All the mechanics of the conference were in motion, but now the silent (and not-so-silent) prayer of the 100+ staff members was this: “Lord, please show up and move amongst us!” 


He answered that prayer in a mighty way. What would ensue for the next five days was nothing short of miraculous! The Bible was preached with clarity and zeal, as students were exhorted to an otherworldly life in accord with their otherworldly calling. The book of Jonah was exposited from beginning to end, exalting the mercy and grace of our great God. Praise to King Jesus resounded from the 500 young people in attendance, lifting up their voices in earnest worship and adoration. Discipleship took place in both formal and informal settings, making it feel as if every conversation had was of spiritual benefit and focus. All in all, young hearts were exhorted to place trust in the only gospel that has the power to save as well as to supplement that trust with a life worthy of the gospel and wholly surrendered to Jesus. 

The conference was executed by Sufficiency of Scripture Ministries in partnership with the Baptist Union of Uganda. The conference staff and attendees boasted a beautiful blend of several different nations and cultures coming together to point young people to the Lord Jesus. The objectives of the conference were clear and accomplished: 


  1. The True Gospel was Preached (check!) 
  2. Young People were Loved, Counseled, and Discipled (check!) 
  3. The Lord was Glorified in the Happenings of the Conference from Beginning to End (check!) 


Please pray that the seeds sown would find good soil in the hearts of the youth of Uganda. Let us beg the Lord to cause His gospel to take root in a real and transformative way, leading to the exaltation of His great name!


Next year’s conference will take place the week of May 12–16, 2025, on the campus of SOS. 


It is amazing to see the amount of progress on the church building that has happened already in 2024! 


We broke ground on our new church building in November 2022 and the concrete foundation was completed six months later in May 2023. However, construction on the building halted for another six months while design challenges with the steel superstructure were resolved. God mercifully enabled the steel design to be completed late in 2023 so that the steel supplier could begin fabrication in Kenya. 


The steel team is currently 99% done with the building and is planning to demobilize from the site by the end of the month!


Next up, we’ll be pouring the floor for the balcony while constructing the walls around the church.


Please be praying for the continued safety of all men working on the project and that God would enable the project to continue moving without significant delays. Please also be praying for the final resources to finish this massive project. 


Benjamin Mugabi, who grew up in the Hurley home and has been part of SOS since its Mukono days, got married to Bekah Kolstad on June 8th!

Bekah was an SOS missionary, who served with us for three years. She is also a founding Legacy Christian Academy Uganda teacher.

They both are hoping to return to Uganda to work with SOS in the future!


To view their wedding, click HERE


  • Pray for our conference ministries to the Baptist Union churches- that God will strengthen this aspect of our ministry and powerfully use our conferences to strengthen and encourage the youth, women, and pastors of baptist churches throughout Uganda.
  • Pray for deep, transformational impact within the lives of the pastors in our 1-Year Bible Institute. Pray for our Degree Program students to be deeply impacted and fully equipped to be pastors of God's church within our country.
  • Pray that God would continue to change the hearts of our young people at Legacy Christian Academy and that there would be a spiritual impact among the older students that will permeate the whole of Legacy Christian Academy. 
  • Pray for our church, that God would continue to equip the saints for the work of ministry.
  • Pray that He would raise up national leaders who are keen in their biblical knowledge and dynamic and zealous in their service to the Lord.