ADULT BIBLE FELLOWSHIP CLASS 2025 STUDY: The Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ
Led by elders, shepherds in training, and experienced teachers, from 9:30-10:30 in the Worship Center.
Starting January 5, 2025, we began a Bible study entitled, “The Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ.” This study will span an entire year. During the first six months, we will explore various aspects of Jesus’ life, from His preincarnate existence to His resurrection. The second six months will focus on themes from Dr. John MacArthur's book, “The Gospel According to Jesus.” Below is a general outline of the monthly topics and teachers. Links to any handouts are included as well. (Videos of past classes are available on YouTube on the channel; class handout links are located in the description for these classes under "More.")
January - The Preincarnate and Prophetic Christ - Cory Piatt
February - The Parables - Darrin Fuqua and Tommy Lohman
March - Sermon on the Mount - Joey Bassham
April - Death, Burial, and Resurrection - Josh Lyon
May - Slaves of Christ - Tommy Lohman (Please note: There will be no ABF or SS classes on May 4)
June - The Return of the King - TBA
July-December - The Gospel According to Jesus
- more information to come