Work Day
SPRING OUTDOOR WORK DAY - April 6, 2019 from 8:00 A.M until Noon.
Listed below are tasks that we would like to work on for the upcoming work day on the 6th. Review this list and if there is a particular area or areas that you would like to help, let us know by indicating the number by the listed task in your RSVP above. Thank you for your service to help keep the facilities in good order and managing the resources that God has given.
- Prepare coffee (1 person, needed) and ice down bottle water in coolers.
- Obtain and set out snacks. (Donuts, energy bars, fruit bars, etc…)
- Plant flowers in 4 pots at FLC entrances. (1-2 people)
- Trim plants around Worship Ctr. & around gazebo; clean up trimmings using leaf rake/s & tarp/s. (2-4 people, w/gas or electric trimmers). Supervised Youth Task (SYT)
- Purchase and deliver pine straw. (Get CBC card from Brian after evaluating existing inventory)
- Apply pine straw, as needed, to all landscaped areas - incl. gazebo & entrance. (2-6 people) (SYT)
- Playground: inspect chains, swings, slide, etc. for wear; check all bolts to make sure they’re still tight (do not over-tighten!); rake mulch to fill in high-traffic areas. (SYT) (1-3 people)
- Take to dump items: _______________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Older Youth Males can help
- Clean out and disinfect outdoor trash bins & kitchen-area trash cans.
- Clean light covers in the 3 porticos of the worship center w/paper towels.
- Fill exterior cracks at WC with exterior gray caulk or clear silicone. See Mike or Josh for locations. (1 person)
- Clean exterior windows for the FLC and WC. (2-3 people)
- Ice Maker evaluation and cleaning (1 person)
- Clean interior windows and glass doors in both buildings. (2-4 people) (SYT)
- Clean exterior windows, glass doors, and crash bars in both buildings. (2-4 people) (SYT)
- Clean doorknobs & handles, crash bars, railings, light switches & plates in both buildings. (1-2 people) (SYT)
- Clean all fluorescent light covers in both buildings w/paper towels. (1-2 people)
- Clean vent covers in all bathrooms.
- Replace any bulbs within classrooms.
- Deep clean kitchen, including cleaning out refrigerator, and freezer if needed. (Contact Erin Hoffman for list, 2-4 people)
- Deep clean nursery, incl. wiping down toys, books, bassinets. Fix diaper bag hook. (Contact Shelley Bassham for list, 2-4 people)
- Tighten Coat hanger in Rm 105
- End of the day clean-up for Sunday.