March 18, 2020 - MEMO from CBC ELDERS:
Consistent with the recommendations of the CDC and our President regarding the need to limit the number of people to 10 in public gatherings to help stop the spread of Covid-19, we will not meet together for any church events until further notice. This could last for another couple of months or maybe longer. But we will let you know when we are able to reconvene.

We wish to offer the following information and recommendations that will help us honor the Lord during this difficult season:

Midweek gatherings in Joelton and Mt. Juliet will not meet until further notice, but will be livestreamed every 1st and 3rd Wednesday at 7 PM, when Pastor will open up the Scriptures for us and also provide a list of specific areas of petition and praise that we can use in our prayer time.

The stream will be up and running at 6:55 PM so you can identify the “Live Now” stream. Here is a link to our YouTube channel where the livestream can be found: 
CBC YouTube Channel. Here are links to a couple of explanation videos if you need help finding the livestream:
 From a computer or smart TV
 From a smart phone

Pastor’s expositions will be livestreamed from the CBC pulpit every Sunday. The stream will be up and running at 11:20 AM so you can identify the “Live Now” stream. (For linking information, see above).

We’re thankful so many of you have asked how to give during this time. It is so crucial that we stay faithful in our stewardship responsibilities before the Lord — not only in order to address the physical needs of the church and all its ministries, but even more importantly, to express our deep love for Christ, who ultimately possesses all He has so graciously entrusted to us.
There are various ways to send your offerings to CBC. The easiest and cheapest way to contribute is to use your own online banking, which is free at most banks. You can set up CBC as a "Payee" as you would set up any business or person to whom you would ever "make a payment." It makes no difference if there is not a "bill" because online banking is simply for sending funds from your account to whomever you wish. Some online banks require an "Account Number" such as the customer number or the customer account number, like electric or water companies might assign to each customer. CBC does not have to have that, so you can just type in 1000 (or some other made-up number) if your system won't let you set CBC up as a Payee without one. It makes no difference to CBC or really even to the bank; it's just a blank that has to be filled in. The church address is below. The church's phone number is 615-746-7716 if you need that information to set this up or if you have questions.
 A second option is to send a check directly to the church through the mail:
            Calvary Bible Church
            5245 Highway 41A
            Joelton, TN 37080-9473
When your check (whether sent through a bank bill-pay service or from you personally) arrives at the church, you will be sent an email from the Church Office so you know it is safely here.

A third option is to use PayPal, which some have used in the past to send payments to CBC (consistent with the payment resource currently available on our website). However, please keep in mind that when you use PayPal the church loses between 3 and 3.5% because of fees.

During this season of isolation, it is more important than ever that we do all we can to fulfill the “one anothering” commands in Scripture, which include not only “hanging out” for the sheer joy of being together, but also being committed to Gospel Care. In light of this, we urge you to consider the following:

  • Take time with your family in prayer and study each week
  • Parents, take time teaching your children at least once a week
  • Make it a weekly priority to reach out to another church member on the phone or through email and talk/disciple/pray/study.

We also encourage you to post Pastor’s sermons on Facebook and other social media platforms. Many unsaved people (and immature Christians) are frightened and confused and searching for meaningful answers. This is a wonderful time for evangelism and discipleship.

If you have any personal or theological questions or private needs, please don’t hesitate to call or email us. It is our great joy to shepherd you in any way we can.