Seven Key Principles

Seven Key Principles for Effective Ministry
Nurturing Thriving Churches in a Postmodern Culture

A book that exhorts and encourages Christian ministers and leaders to be committed to the principled model for successful ministry that God has established through the teaching of the New Testament.

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God, Evil, and Suffering

God, Evil, and Suffering
Understanding God’s Role in Tragedies and Atrocities

Dr. David A. Harrell, ISBN 978-0-9600203-6-2, SRP $9.99

While there is no place in Scripture where God provides any clear explanation of the origin of evil and His purposes in it, He affirms His goodness and love on virtually every page. And when His character is properly understood, His ultimate purposes become obvious. This book helps believers rediscover these truths revealed in Scripture, that they might permeate our heart and animate our worship. Herein we can find comfort and hope in days of trouble, and glorify God come what may.

Chapter contents
Compatabilistic Theodicy
Three Competing Theological Systems
The Reformed Position
God’s Glory and the Origin of Sin
The Tragedy and Atrocity of the Crucifixion
God’s Role in Israel’s Unbelief
Three Reasons God Ordained to Allow Evil
All Things for Good
What God May Be Up to in Our Suffering
Final Words of Encouragement

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Why America Hates Biblical Christianity

Why America
Hates Biblical Christianity

Dr. David A. Harrell, ISBN 978-1-63342-237-7, SRP $16.99
Today, Christians are witnessing biblical values being replaced by laws that impose a godless, immoral, oppressive social agenda. The overall disdain political and religious liberal activists have toward conservative values in general and authentic Christianity in particular has produced an ideological civil war that is raging out of control. Here you will learn the interplay between two corresponding evils that have been secretly gaining strength in America for many years: human depravity and Satanic deception. These corrupting influences have destroyed every empire in history; powers so formidable and so deceptive that they now threaten the Constitutional Republic of the United States. This book addresses the interplay between these destructive forces from a biblical perspective and then demonstrates how they manifest themselves in our culture, while at the same time encouraging authentic Christians to stand firm in their faith for the glory of Christ as we await His return.

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God’s Gracious Gift of Assurance

God’s Gracious Gift of Assurance
Rediscovering the Benefits of Justification by Faith

Dr. David A. Harrell, ISBN 978-1-7343452-1-6, SRP $9.99

There is no greater source of joy in the life of Christians than knowing that we have been reconciled to God through faith in His Son, our Substitute and Surety, the Lord Jesus Christ. To know that our sins are forgiven and the merits of Jesus are now ours through imputation—solely as a gift of God’s grace—produces such soul-satisfying kinship with our Creator that all fears of standing before His holy tribunal evaporate like a morning mist before the sun. Herein is the heart of the doctrine of justification—a doctrine that many believers only appreciate and enjoy superficially.

Chapter Contents

Peace with God
Access to God
A Permanent Standing Before God
A Jubilant Hope of Glory
Joy in Tribulation
Proof of Salvation
Hope through a Subjective Awareness of God’s Love

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Our Sin and the Savior

Our Sin and the Savior
Understanding the Need for Renewing and Sanctifying Grace

Dr. David A. Harrell, ISBN, 978-1-7343452-0-9 SRP $9.99

There is perhaps no greater example of beguiling deceit in the church today than the distortions surrounding the doctrine of sin and the power of the gospel to save sinners from it. Unfortunately, when sin is whitewashed, the Savior becomes irrelevant, regeneration unnecessary, and worldliness replaces godliness. This mini-book examines these matters in the light of Scripture to help the reader better understand the mystery of the cross and people’s desperate need for renewing and sanctifying grace.

Sin: Nature or Nurture?
The Spin on Sin
Holiness: The Antithesis of Sin
Sin and the Individual
Repentance and the Narrow Gate
Marks of Genuine Repentance
Eternal Wrath and Grace

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The Marvel of Being in Christ

The Marvel of Being in Christ
Adoring God’s Loving Provision of New Life in the Spirit

Dr. David A. Harrell, ISBN 978-1-7343452-3-0, SRP $9.99

The purpose of this mini book is to help believer’s develop a deeper grasp of what it means to be “in Christ,” that together we might embrace this intimate oneness more fully by faith and experience more of the confidence, power, and soul-satisfying joy of the presence of our exalted Redeemer. Charles Spurgeon said it best: “There is no joy in this world like union with Christ! The more we can feel it, the happier we are, whatever our circumstances.” Through the careful exposition of relevant biblical passages regarding this subject, this manuscript is certain to animate this joy.

Chapter Contents

The Nature of Union with Christ
The Need for Union with Christ
The Characteristics of Union with Christ
The Vine and the Branches

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Finding Strength in Weakness

Finding Strength in Weakness
Drawing Upon the Existing Grace Within

Dr. David A. Harrell, ISBN 978-1-7343452-4-7, SRP $9.99
We are all prone to debilitating physical and spiritual weakness. But knowing how to find spiritual strength in those seasons of weakness—especially in the face of persecution—is elusive for most. Timothy, the apostle Paul’s son in the faith, struggled with this very thing. But God revealed to him some very practical ways to tap into the resources he already possessed, bringing him much needed comfort and encouragement, while at the same time giving him power to persevere and prevail in the face of overwhelming forces of opposition. And it is these great truths that this mini book examines.

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Finding Grace in Sorrow

Finding Grace in Sorrow
Enduring Trials with the Joy of the Holy Spirit

Dr. David A. Harrell, ISBN 978-1-7343452-8-5, SRP $9.99
Sorrow is a familiar companion of every Christian. But for those who rest confidently in the good and perfect purposes of God, there exists an inexplicable, subjective awareness of God’s all-sufficient grace—a tranquil peace impervious to circumstances that flows from the fountain of His covenantal love for those He has redeemed. The purpose of this little volume is to help believers develop a deeper understanding of this dynamic force of divine resources, one that transforms all believers at the moment of salvation and empowers them in every aspect of their life in Christ.

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The Miracle of Spiritual Sight

The Miracle of Spiritual Sight
Affirming the Transforming Doctrine of Regeneration

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Dr. David A. Harrell,  ISBN 978-1-7343452-9-2, SRP $9.99
We live in a church age of such profound apostasy that a large segment of evangelicalism is unable to biblically explain what it is to be a "Christian." This is largely due to a wholesale neglect of the doctrine of regeneration—that supernatural impartation of spiritual life to the spiritually dead that causes individuals to savingly believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and so radically transforms their natures that the very desires of their hearts and acts of their wills reflect the nature of God who has made them new creatures in Christ. This is the subject of this little book.

Chapter Contents

Regeneration and Spiritual Discernment
Regeneration and Self-Deception
Evidence of Regeneration


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Glorifying God in Your Body

Glorifying God in Your Body
Seeing Ourselves from God’s Perspective

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Dr. David A. Harrell, ISBN 978-1-7359491-1-6, SRP $9.99
There is perhaps no greater proof of man's innate sinfulness and hostility toward God than the staggering immorality of our culture. Most people, even many Christians, have either a distorted or a non-existent understanding of how God views his or her body, the primary focus of this book. As a result, they are vulnerable to the deceptions and threats of the sexual revolutionaries. By examining and obeying God's perspective, we are equipped to navigate a culture saturated with sexual perversion and prurience, and we learn how to walk on a godly path of blessing and joy.

Chapter Contents

Our Body from God's Perspective
The Sexual Revolution and Its Consequences
The Promise of Forgiveness, Deliverance, and Transformation

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